The past few days she wakes up in her crib and gets herself into sitting. This is good because I don't have to bend over as far to pick her up since her crib is now on the lowest level.
She also has started doing a pull to stand. She thinks that she can now take off without us only to realize that at least one hand (and really two) is required to maintain balance. Fortunately she has only had one big tumble and only onto soft carpet. I reassured her that that would not be the only fall she would have before she began to walk by herself. Good thing she recovers quickly.
She has also learned to protest things she does not like by shaking her head and repeating "na na na." We try to not use the word "no" and to use more constructive correction. Still she has the innate sense of the word "no" in her vocabulary.
She also is learning the hand gestures for "Hi" and "Bye."
She is starting to show her adventurous side. She has taken to climbing... a lot. If I am on the floor with her, I will be climbed. The step up onto the treadmill was once a great leap for a 7 month old, but is now one small step for an 8 month old. A guitar case- of course it needs to be climbed and ridden. A box of diapers, why yes this too can be conquered.
Objects have taken on new meaning. A box was once just something mommy put things in, but now it is entertainment. If it has a flap or hinge all the better. Velcro and shoelaces are wonderful. Books are not just to be read, but handled, and pages to be turned. Pots and pans make noise when you bang on them.
Yesterday was also the first time she discovered that objects in her hands can be brought together to make noise.
We are in learning overdrive.
The sign for "more" at meal time appeared today without prompting and she finally got a piece of banana in her mouth without first completely squishing it to mush. She especially likes to squeeze her food, just to see what it feels like and what sound it makes. She crunched a puff with her 2 teeth the other day and was happily surprised at the sensation of it breaking and the snapping noise it made. And now she thinks it is fun to suck on her fingers as I feed her just to make the tactile experience greater. Milk is boring, food is where the excitement is at. Yes, I am starting to consider taking her outfit off during mealtime, we have that much fun.
Grandma and Grandpa are super nice to her at their house, she has free reign of the junk mail. It can be drooled on and torn up happily. Paper is a favorite. It is so crinkly and grab-able. Toy snakes and other pointy objects are also a favorite.
Every day is a new experience with this little one.