First off to my dad;
Thank you for always working so hard for our family growing up. You worked 6 days a week, and took only a few days off a year to be packed in a car with 6 noisy children, to take us to Disneyland and to the beach. When we visited you at work, you helped us make fun gadgets out of spare TV parts, and create bugs our of burnt-out resistors. You taught us to make and shoot off model rockets in the desert and volcanoes in our sand pile. You could make practically anything work again, even if you had to improvise a solution.

A classic Dad smile. I don't have a lot of pictures with him since he was behind the camera in a lot of them. The snicker was probably for putting the bow on my head. I'm the baby in this one.
This one I put in for my sister Becky. Whispering secrets to dad.
You are a wonderful grandpa and all the grandkids LOVE you, especially Mia. You have a magic touch to keep her calm and and she loves your faces and voices. Mia loves to be babysat by grandpa when I have to go in for work.
With Mia on the day she was born.
And just a couple of weeks ago:
To Dee: Happy First Father's Day!!!
You are the most wonderful husband to me and father to Mia. I don't know how I would do it without you. You are so brave and willing to try everything and to fix anything. You are such a hard worker, and so giving with your time. All those long nights you stayed up until 1:00 or 2:00 or 3:00 just so I could get a few extra hours of sleep. you kept me sane, and help me be a better mommy. Even now you get up early and let me sleep in when you can. This I truly appreciate! You change any diaper no matter how messy and actually do it with a smile. You are such fun with Mia and she really is excited to see you every day when you come home. She will stop everything, even eating to be with you. I love to see you play. Mia loves to be tossed and to ride on your shoulders. We love you! Thanks for all you do for us.
Just before Mia was born. See how happy he is with anticipation of being a father.
First moments as a daddy. He even changed the first poopy diaper in the hospital!
Already hard at work. She is so relaxed in Dee's arms.
She once fit safely in one arm.
Now she takes both arms (and a third would be nice sometimes) just to keep her close.
With you she always has a smile. (Well... almost always)
You are such a great daddy. It's no wonder Mia's first syllables were "da da da."
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