One of my in-laws asked when we start wearing winter clothes in Arizona. I told her maybe late November, but I couldn't remember so I looked through my pictures.
These were from December 12th. Fun in the park. Long sleeves on Mia and Dee. I was warm so I took off my sweater. I guess winter clothes right?
I really thought these were our winter clothes on on Dec 18th. Jackets and long sleeves...
...until we got to Idaho.
So I guess the answer is we never start wearing our winter clothes in Arizona. At least not those winter clothes. It did get down to freezing this week and actually snowed on New years Eve. So we might wear Winter clothes occasionally, but not consistently.
Here are just a few added pictures of Mia.
Tired Mia. This is a first for her. Falling asleep while eating dinner. Poor baby.
Super happy with eating Indian food.
Mia opening her new tunnel. She was a little timid with it at first but then really liked it, especially the peek through portion.
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