Friday, December 20, 2013

2 Months Old!

Our little girl keeps growing. If there is a way to freeze time let me know. So here are some updated photos.

She is getting so big. I put her in these clothes before her 2 month doctor appointment, and she totally looked like a toddler.

And just to prove she isn't happy all of the time. Here is her pouty face. She wasn't really in the mood to get dressed for church that morning.

Just taking a break from it all. Witness the "I don't want to nap, you can't make me close my eyes" stare.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Thanksgiving Week

Dee's parents came down to visit for Thanksgiving, to spend time with us, but mostly to play with Mia.

Visiting with a newborn probably isn't the most restful or exciting thing to do, but we loved having them and appreciated the break from doing all of the feedings.

We probably overworked them too. They helped paint our family room while they were here, something that we hadn't gotten to in the 7 years we have been in our house.

This is clearly the before, but they had already painted the ceiling and removed furniture of course. It is nice now. Neutral. His parents gave us our Christmas gift early. Two new lamps that coordinate with the room. the room needed them. At night it can be really dark. Thanks Mom and Dad!

We went to the Miniature Museum which is basically old dollhouses and fancy miniatures. I think that I liked enchanted land the best. The door going in was funny. Three different sizes.

Dee looks really small at the large door.

His parents at the mini door, waiting for the elves who must live inside to answer.

Through the glass, looking at all the tiny objects. Everything is behind glass. I was impressed at how the miniatures were so detailed.
We had dinner at my parents on Thanksgiving and my brother, Danny, took some super cute pictures of Mia. Eventually we hope to have him over to take a bunch- studio style:)

Here is Danny with Mia... No, he didn't take this one, I did. Note the difference in quality to the following:

I love her little yawns!

 Nap time. My dad has the magic touch to put every baby to sleep, even his older babies. Sometimes he even manages to make himself fall asleep too.
And here are a bunch more pictures of Mia, just because she is so cute!

Loving dad and his entertainment.

Monday, November 18, 2013

One Month Old

Our precious little girl is one month old!.
Where has the time gone? I cant believe it! She is such a wonderful blessing in our lives. She grows every day and I see her seeking out more to learn. This week she has more consistently rolled from her back to her side when motivated, and started reaching for things, albeit without coordination. Everyone says how tiny she is, but I can tell how much bigger she is getting. One of the first outfits I put her in was huge, but now fits just right and soon will be too small. Part of me wants her to stop growing and stay just so tiny and small, but the other part of me looks forward to her communicating, moving, and learning more.

She is starting to show more personality and playfulness.

And she has discovered her super long tongue and enjoys sticking it out at us, which makes taking pictures harder.

She LOVES going to Grandma and Grandpa's house. They feed her and play with her till her heart's content. "Grandpa sings to me and Grandma has a special way of getting the burps out with no stress."

Sometimes she just looks at you with all knowing eyes. "I know you are about to change my diaper and I am going to make it as challenging as possible, you just don't know it yet."

"Daddy is always trying to balance things in life; work, his calling, me, the bottle... Multitasking is fun!"

"We got dressed up and went to church for the first time."

"I was an angel, showing off to everyone how peaceful I am.... Really, this is how I always am!"

"But sometimes I play so hard I just have to fall asleep in the middle of tummy time."

We have lots of fun, sometimes late at night or in the wee early hours of the morning. My heart swells full with love for this little one, and we are so grateful she is with us to make us a family!

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Three Weeks Old

Mia has now surpassed her 3 week mark!! She keeps growing and I can't believe how fast time goes by. Her newborn clothes are finally fitting her and in the next day or so will probably step up in diaper size:) Today she started focusing her gaze and really studying our faces. It is amazing to see how each and every day she develops new skills and awakens more. We have had a few colic filled days and nights that have been hard, but Dee is great and helps out ALL the time.

 Are we tired? Of course we are.

 Are we still excited? Absolutely!

We had our first adoption supervisory visit and will have one or two more. This one was at 9 AM. Maybe not the best time for a visit, having been up all night, and a particularly difficult one.
We were asked questions about her sleep schedule and all I could think was... "Does she sleep? I don't know anymore."
How often does she eat? "Every three or so hours unless she tells us sooner by loudly making it known."
But- this is normal for a three week old, and a pretty cute one too.
So... things are going great!

And here are more pictures.. which is really what everyone wants to see. Good thing she doesn't mind playing dress-up.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Precious Moments of Rest

Mia is becoming more and more alert and spending time awake, but we are so busy having fun that I don't think about taking pictures. Here are more of the moments of her peaceful dreams. She just keeps getting prettier.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween!

Mia's first Halloween! Aunt Becky sent us a very cute costume for her to wear. 

We also had this cute onsie that I thought was appropriate for today

We went to the neighbors house and trick-or-treated, and also to Grandma and Grandpa's. We had a fun first Halloween.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Dee's Birthday / 12 Day Old Mia

We Celebrated Dee's birthday yesterday, fortunately his gift came in the mail on time to surprise him. I decorated for him very early in the morning since I was awake already, and he was glad I didn't forget about him:)

Mia is also becoming more aware and starting to have more wakeful times so now she can enjoy tummy time without just falling right back asleep.

She doesn't know what she is looking at yet but she likes it when it moves.

 Looking more awake

And then back to sleep to look peaceful again.

Happily in Daddy's arms. "Thanks for staying up with me all night last night!"

Saturday, October 26, 2013

10 Days Old

Mia is 10 days old today! Yay! such cuteness cannot be contained in only one picture.

She is starting to have longer wake times, so I actually captured a picture with her eyes open. She is looking around and trying to take in all around her. No focused gaze yet, but I can tell it is on it's way.

She also occasionally finds that her hands are useful, like for holding in her pacifier during diaper changing times. Mostly they are pushing it away unintentionally. 

And just so we remember how small she really is, Daddy is holding her head in the palm of his hand.  

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

One Week Old Bundle

I cant believe that Mia, our little bundle, is one week old today! I love her little peaceful faces when she is asleep and her exploring glances when she is awake. She has a furious hunger, and hates to be changed, but her warmth when I hold her is glorious and relaxing. Today she smiled while she was sleeping. You can tell she is dreaming of eating as her little lips make sleepy sucking motions. Her little toes are so long that she grabbed my finger with them and held on as I fed her. She likes to keep daddy up at night and wakes quickly when he is home from work.

I could almost have a picture for each of the seven dwarfs from Snow white to describe her moods. I haven't captured Sneezy, although that is a daily occurrence, or a picture with Doc, and I will refrain from showing Grumpy:) Interpret the following, mostly they are Sleepy with slight variation. 


Smiling. 7 days old

Peaceful. I'm clean and fed why wouldn't I be peaceful.


6 days old


She doesn't like being uncovered, but the warmth of the sun through the window helped her relax.


Milk drunk. Just having eaten, there was no waking her up!

 Her little hands are so very tiny.

And here are those cutie feet with the long finger like toes.